Tuesday, September 25, 2007

It's always playtime!

As Tristan is approaching the big 1 (year, that is), he is becoming more and more active. From the minute he wakes up until the last fighting minutes before bed, he wants to play. In his mind, any and everything he sees is a "toy" to him, he is such a curious little boy. He is so enthralled in his toys, that he even gets mad if you try to stop to feed him. Sometimes I think he might go all day without eating if I didn't stop and make him sit down to eat. Now, don't get me wrong, he eats very well most of the time, but I think he would forget and keep playing if it wasn't for me!

During his playtime, which he gets plenty of, he is picking up a lot of new and clever tricks. He likes to hand the ball or whatever toy he has in his hand to us, roll balls back and forth with us, open and close the cabinets (this goes on all day) and his most clever is playing "hide and seek". Okay, so I have two versions of hide and seek. The first is he gets a toy stuck under a table or chair and then he will try to find it (or more than likely stubmbles upon it at some point). Once he realizes a toy is under a piece of furniture, then he gets on his stomach to get a clear view and tries with all his might to pull it back out.

The second version is a little closer to the real thing. Victor likes to get on the floor and crawl behind the couch and get Tristan to follow him. Once Victor is hidden behind the couch, then Tristan will peer around each side looking for him. Lately, he has figured out it would be easier to just look under the couch using the inch or two of space between the floor and the couch. He's so smart!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I wouldn't want to stop playing either if I had all of those cool toys! Looks like he is having so much fun.-m