Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Happy Birthday To My Mommy!!!

This morning I asked Daddy to find out how Mommy posts on the blog so he could help me with a post for Mommy's birthday. I want everyone to know I am the luckiest little boy in the whole world to have such a great Mommy. Everyday Mommy is there for me, she is my best friend.

Sunday me and Daddy went to the mall trying to find her the "perfect gift." We went to all of her favorite stores and bought things but we still didn't feel like we found that "perfect gift." Then it dawned on us, the "perfect gift" could not be bought at the mall, so where could we possibly find it. I told Daddy that Mommy's "perfect gift" is in my heart, so here is your "perfect gift" Mommy:

Thank you! Thank you for loving me unconditionally, thank you for always protecting me, thank you for helping me do things I have never done before, thank you for all the hugs and kisses, thank you for feeding me even when I don't seem like I want to eat, thank you for changing my diapers that would make a nuclear waste technician sick, but above all thank you for being my Mommy. I am so proud to be your son there is no way I can truly put it into words. You are the best!!

I know today is your special day but it is also a special day for me because it is the first time I get to celebrate your birthday with you. Happy birthday, I love you Mommy!!


Also, Daddy wanted me to mention that he loves you too.


Melanie said...

How cute was that! I bet that just made your day!! That was very clever of Victor ( I mean Tristan.;)I enjoyed our lunch together and I hope you had a great dinner. Talk to ya later!-m

Samantha said...
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Samantha said...

To my son (and his father who helped him compose this):
Reading this post brought tears to my eyes and validates to me that I have the most important job ever, raising my son. I feel so lucky that I am able to stay at home with Tristan and get to watch him grow and learn everyday. My family is what makes my life complete and I couldn't ask for anything more than their love. Thanks for making this birthday the most special one yet!

chelsea rose said...

Wow! Tristan is so advanced:) Happy Birthday!!!!