Saturday, December 6, 2008

Ornament Casualty Count

I am currently in the process (actually almost done) decorating the house for Christmas and thought it might be interesting to see how many of my brand new ornaments make it through the holidays with a 2 year old running around wild. So far the casualty count is only 3, Tristan broke 2 and I broke one (yes, I am actaully admitting this). I added a little section on the left side of the blog to keep track of the casualties, so check it out periodically to see how many of my beautiful new ornaments lose their lives this year! Stay tuned for more "catch up" posts and a post showing off some of my new decor that I have been waiting a whole year to put up (yep, I bought it after Christmas last year and have been dying to put it out).


Courtney said...

That's so funny!! I've been meaning to do the same thing on my blog...and now I will. We're up to 6...and it's all the same culprit...good times.

Anonymous said...

How funny!!! I have the lights up on the tree, but I'm scared to put the ornaments on...Jerick's already knocked over our tree 2X!! Issys likes to tug on the lowest branches & drag the tree around. I think we might switch to plastic ornaments. Hopefully you won't lose anymore than 3. - Yeah, right! ~Amy R.