Wednesday, January 14, 2009

All About Parker - Part 1

In an effort to get this blog back up to date I have been putting up a lot of posts with little text and mostly pictures. I have actually been feeling pretty guilty about this since I like to think of this blog as my "digital baby book" for my kiddos where I can document the happenings of their fun-filled little lives and lately I feel like I haven't talked about Parker's wonderful developing personality or told you about all of the new and exciting things he's doing. So, now that I'm caught up from the holidays and all I am going to overload you with a series of posts all about what my little baby has been up to for the last month or two!

All I can say is grab a snack and get ready for a some long posts with my words, pictures and even a little video!

The Happiest Baby on the Block

Parker has to be the happiest baby around. Seriously, he only cries if he wants to be held, is hungry, needs his diaper changed or some other true necessity. He's usually happy in his car seat, the stroller, playing on the floor or just about anywhere else. He loves to play peek-a-boo and has the cutest laugh ...I just love to hear that belly laugh! He is also at the age where he is interested in any and everything. If he is close enough to get his little hands on it then he will for sure grab it...this includes Tristan's milk and juice cups and his snacks. He actually managed to gum/chew down two vanilla wafers yesterday!!!

Lovin' his big yellow balloon

He seriously held onto the balloon string for 30 minutes

He Wants To Be Just Like His Big Brother

Wherever Tristan is at is where Parker wants to be! He LOVES to play with Tristan's funny to think that I would never have let Tristan play with half the toys Parker plays with at this age. I guess that is just how it goes when you have more than one of them!!

Making some lovely music on Tristan's keyboard

Check out this video of him singing into the microphone

Another VERY Animated Kid

As you might (or might not) know, Tristan is so animated and expressive, and I think Parker is going to be the same way. He makes some of the funniest faces you can imagine, especially when eating or seeing/hearing something new. His giant eyes and the change of his eyebrows just give him away.

A Huge "Bed Hog"

Yes, Parker is still sleeping in our bed. I know, I know, I'm never going to get him out but I just can't help it, he's such a cuddler and it is so much easier since I am still nursing him. At night he usually falls asleep while I am holding him, so I lay him down on his side facing me and that's where he sleeps all night, most of time, at least. Some nights I lay him in his pack 'n play in our room after he falls asleep but he's usually back in our bed within a couple of hours. I know people say this is a bad habit, but we did it with Tristan, and he's in his bed all night now (most of the time, we do still have an occasional night wakening when gets in bed with us). I think it makes them feel safe, secure and loved...and what could be wrong with that?

The Cutest Baby To Ever Wear A Hat

Aahhh, the hats. I just love a baby in a hat. Tristan was at the great hat wearing age (you know, when they are too too young to constantly pull them off) during the summer and Parker is at this age now during the winter, so I get too break out a whole new set of hats!!! I just love how he looks in a hat...his big bug eyes are the center of attention when that little bald head is all covered up! Unfortunately, he has been pulling off his hats recently so they might soon come to an least I got a few months of hats!

My Loud Mouth Baby

While eating lunch the other day with a friend of mine (who also happens two have two little boys around the same age as mine), she said to me "I think you have the loudest kids I've ever heard"! I could have been offended by this, but completely wasn't because it's probably true! I think it's safe to say that Tristan is loud (he doesn't talk, he screams everythings!), but Parker, oh my gosh, this kid is a squealer! He will shriek at the top of his lungs just to hear his own voice and it's so loud that your ears ring a little bit. He's always babbling and making noises...I think he just likes to hear himself "talk" (refrain from any comments you may be thinking right now).
For a couple of weeks he LOVED to make that razberry sound with his lips. He would do it all day long whereve he was, so I had to video him one day before Christmas. I am so glad I did because now he rarely does it...he's moved on to new sounds. Enjoy the couple of videos.

Well, that's it for Part 1, keep checking back for the next post all about baby Park!


The Quinn Report said...

He is soooo sweet, I just want to squeeze him!!

Sorry we have to miss out on tomorrow, but I want to make sure Salem is 100% before she gets around anyone outside our home. Have a great time!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Cute pics. Such a handsome boy. Love his bright eyes!
I'm a big proponent of the family bed. Jerick & Issys still sleep with us. My babies are able to self-soothe & they're very independent. Good luck on whatever you decide.
Thanks for sharing the pics!

Anonymous said...

what a cutie!!! he looks a lot like you..xo-m