Monday, October 13, 2008

Mmmmnnn, food!

As I mentioned in my post about Parker's 4 month checkup, he has begun eating solids food over the last month. We started out with rice cereal, which he just couldn't get enough of and then moved on to some fruits and veggies. Funny thing happened once I started the fruits and veggies...the interest in rice cereal significantly declined! At first he would open his mouth so wide for cereal and I couldn't feed it to him fast enough, now he still opens his mouth for it but not quite as big and or as vigorously. I guess rice ceral just isn't as good as he thought it was once he tasted something else.

At this point he has had squash, bananas, carrots, prunes, peas, pears, rice and oatmeal cereal. I think his favorites have to be carrots, bananas, and prunes...sounds yummy, huh? He seems to like the oatmeal a little better than rice, but by far prefers the fruits and veggies over cereal. The other thing I have noticed about him is that he seems to really like and prefer food as opposed to milk. I remember Tristan always being a big drinker as opposed to solid food eater (then later on he was both), but Parker seems to have really taken to food. Of course he still drinks milk but I only nurse him about 6 or 7 times a day (and I have no idea how many ounces he is drinking since he is nursed) and eats solids twice a day.

It feels so weird to only nurse 6 or 7 times because I seem to remember nursing Tristan a billion times a day even after he started solids. It has definitely made sticking to nursing a much easier and less tedious task. I made it about 5 1/2 months with Tristan and am almost to that with Parker and plan on continuing. I was originally going to nurse exclusively until 6 months and then switch to formula during the day and just nurse at night and in the morning, but it doesn't seem like that is going to be an option. Recently we tried to give Parker a bottle of formula, for the first time, and he refused to drink it. I am not sure if it was the bottle he didn't like or the formula but am thinking it was the formula because he has taken a bottle of pumped milk before. We tried again this weekend and got the same result, so I guess I am going to be exclusively nursing for longer than I thought unless something changes! Actually, I am really happy (and proud) I have made it this long...I wasn't sure how easy it was going to be to nurse and take care of a toddler, but it seems to be working out.

Anyways, enough about all that, check out these pics I snapped of Parker enjoying some banana.

Let's go Mom, I'm ready to eat

Okay, here's a smile. Can I have my food now?

Hmmnnn, do I like this or not?

Yep, definitely a keeper, give me more

Mmnnn, yummy

Can't get enough of those bananas

One completely satisfied customer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kudos to you for continuing to breastfeed!! I know this is no small feat (I had a 16 month old when Issys came along & couldn't make it). Good luck, I hope you can continue to nurse him for months to come!
~Amy R.