Friday, July 18, 2008

The Outdoor Fanatic

Tristan LOVES to play outside regardless of hot darn hot it is. Even though his cheeks turn a bright rosy red and his whole head (and hair) are wet with sweat, he still begs to go outside on a daily basis! Now, this is idea of actually wanting to be outside in the heat is a very foreign concept to me since I am not what you would call the "outdoorsy" type and the moment I break a sweat I run inside for the cool air conditioner, but I am learning to compromise.

Due to the extremely hot weather we have had lately I try to wait until early evening to let him go outside and play (my compromise). We put his picnic table on the back porch and his Aunt Lizzie bought him a great sand table for out there too. We have also recently acquired a little water table and some other outdoor toys that seem to keep him pretty well occupied. Now my only challenge is keeping him from thowing a fit during the day because he can't go outside just yet!

Brace yourselves tthe multitude of pics below (sorry, they are a few weeks old because I got behind and didn't get these uploaded!)

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