Thursday, May 29, 2008

You had to know this was coming!!!

You guys had to know I would have pictures taken of Parker as a newborn...if you didn't then you don't pay very good attention to my blog (hahahaha!) because I love pictures!!! Here's a few the photographer sent me.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Beep beep...out of the way

Tristan has a new passion...driving!!! He has 3 different ride-on toys, and has had them since his birthday/Christmas, but has never really taken much of an interest in them until recently. He's always known that you can sit on them, push/pull them around the house and push their buttons to hear noises but never really cared much about scooting around on them.

A couple of weeks ago Victor got on one of the toys and started scooting it around (definitely a sight to see!) and Tristan followed suit. Ever since then he has been obsessed and the faces he makes while "driving" are too cute!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

2 Weeks Already?

I can't believe it but Parker is already 2 weeks old (actually like 2 1/2 weeks)'s hard to imagine that about 2 weeks ago I was still pregnant, and huge and uncomfortable!!! Not that I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight by any means but I'm happy that I can at least bend over now!

We took Parker in for his 2 week check-up on Thursday and he's doing fantastic. He was one ounce away from being back to his birthweight which the doctor said is great for being a big baby and exclusively breast-fed. He has already grown 3/4 of an inch, up to 22 3/4 inches now and his head circumference grew by 1/4 of an inch. At this rate we are going to have a future basketball player on our hands!

It has been so different having a newborn in the house again. I had forgotten what the constant feeding, peeing and pooping was like, but it all came back to me pretty quickly. Parker is in the stage where he sleeps most of the day with the occasional bouts of wakefulness, so taking care of both him and Tristan really hasn't been too bad. When he is awake he's usually in a good mood and just looks around, taking in his new surroundings. I've had a lot of people tell me how alert he is, a comment I heard a lot with Tristan...we'll have to wait and see if that means he is going to be as "crazy" as Tristan turned out to be!

As far as sleeping at night goes, I think Parker is doing pretty well. Obviously he's not sleeping through the night or anything since I am nursing him, but I have got a couple of 4 or 5 hour periods of sleep. The only bad thing about these longer periods of sleep is that he makes up for it when he wakes up by eating like every hour for 3 hours, but 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep is worth it!

I have adopted a completely different nursing strategy with Parker than what I used for Tristan. With Tristan I tried to put him on a every 2 hour schedule right away and felt like I was always bound to our bedroom nursing him. With Parker I have adopted the philosophy of feed him whenever he is hungry. Sometimes, like I already mentioned, this could mean every hour, or even more frequently, but could also mean I get 3, 4 or 5 hours in between feedings (although I don't usually let him go more than 3 hours during the day, only at night). This more relaxed approach seems to work a lot better and I don't feel as bound down. I have had a much more relaxed experience nursing this time around...for those of you who don't know, I had a really hard time nursing Tristan, but stuck it out for a little under 6 months. Hopefully this time things will continue to be easier.

Well, I have probably already spent too much of my "free time" (i.e. both kids are asleep) on the computer, so I better sign off. Enjoy the pictures of Parker from his first two weeks!

4 Days Old

5 Days Old

6 Days Old

1 Week Old

9 Days Old

10 Days Old

12 Days Old

13 Days Old

2 Weeks Old

Saturday, May 24, 2008

What a happy big brother!!!

Check out these smiley pics of Tristan that I snapped over the last week or so...he has been such a good, and happy, boy since we brought Parker home. He doesn't get upset when I nurse Parker (for the most part), has been better about entertaining himself with his toys, and is very lovey-dovey towards Parker. He constantly wants to give him higs and kisses and runs towards the bassinet when he hears Parker crying...he even brings Parker a pacifier and tries to put it in his mouth when he cries. I am so proud of him for already being such a great big brother!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Go Spurs Go!

Parker wanted to show his love for the San Antonio Spurs on game night!!!