Saturday, February 2, 2008

We finally got out of the house!

Sorry for the lack of posting this week, but since Tristan and I were couped (sp?) up in the house for what felt like an eternity we took advantage of our freedom!

Last Sunday was our first day of freedom, so we wanted to do something extra-fun. Victor and I decided to take Tristan to the zoo, to visit my relatives, or at least that is what Victor says (he thinks he's really funny:) ). Our friends, Ed and Melanie, and their two daughters came along and we and the kids had a blast. The weather was perfect, in the 70's, not too hot or is so much better than going to the zoo in the hundred degree summer weather!

Tristan and Ashley ready to get started at the zoo

Is this one of those "relatives" Victor was referring to?

Tristan was dying to get out of the stroller

"Come on Dad, let's go"

Both were fascinated with the snakes

Look at that big hippo butt

Sorry, I meant "big" in a good way!

Quick break for a drink

and you guessed it, a family photo (keep in mind I am 25 weeks pregnant in this pic, not just fat!)

"Don't look so worried Tristan, the animals can't get you"

Victor had to do a lot of carrying...Tristan is getting way to heavy for Mommy

Apparently for Daddy too, decided to give the shoulders a work out

I think this is what Victor felt like doing after a day of carrying and chasing Tristan around the zoo

1 comment:

Courtney said...

You look great and your family is beautiful. Can't wait to see the upcoming addition...