Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Baby Update

I went to the doctor today for my 24 week check-up. Actually, I'll be 24 weeks on Thursday, but who's counting? This was one of those uneventful visits where the doc just measures my stomach and listens to the heartbeat, so I don't really have anything too exciting to report. Parker's heartbeat was 150 and my stomach measures at 26.

Normally, you measure around the same number as the number of weeks of pregnancy, so I measured a little ahead of the game. This makes me think that Parker is going to be a porker (my attempt at a little humor)! When I was pregnant with Tristan I always measured the same as the week of pregnancy and at the end I measured a week behind. So, the fact that I measured two weeks ahead, and that I gained 5 pounds since my last visit, gives me a sneaking suspicion that Parker might be a big baby...or maybe it was just all the food that I ate during Christmas time.

My next appointment is on February 5th and that will be our last sonogram before Parker's arrival. It seems weird that we don't get another sonogram after the 28 week check-up because in the first 6 visits (including my next appointment) I will have had 4 sonograms, at least every other appointment. I really shouldn't think it is weird because I had the same schedule with Tristan, but 12 weeks seems like a long time to wait to see him again. Oh well, guess I will have to be patient, you know since patience is one of my strong characteristics, j/k!

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