Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween '09

Oh boy, Halloween has come and gone, and we had a great one!!! For the past month or so we have been talking about and reading fun books about Halloween, getting dressed up in our costumes, pumpkins, and trick or treating, so don't you know that my boys were ready for today!

Tristan has been extrememly interested in all things scary and has his own name for any scary looking item, "joke". Here's the background where the word "joke" came from: Not too long after Michael Jackson died, Victor and I were watching a clip on the internet with Larry King walking through MJ's house and MJ's supposed ghost appears in the background. And as you are staring trying to see the ghost, a big scary looking skeleton/monster thing pops up on the screen. Well, what we didn't realize when we were watching this was that Tristan was standing right behind us when the scary thing popped up! Naturally, it scared him to death, so much so that he was trembling, and of course we immediately told him it was just a joke, thus where he gets his word "joke" from.

Since that moment , he has been interested in "jokes" and is constantly telling us he sees jokes in his room or the hallway or wants to go see them at the stores int he Halloween section. But it truly depends on his mood as to how close he wants to get to them. Some days he's all about touching them and other days he steers clear! Nevertheless, the interest has been there every day!

And of course, he has parlayed this interest onto Parker, who has now learned the word "joke" and spent most of tonight's trick or treating running towards skeletons, ghosts and goblins pointing and saying "joke". It was actually quite cute!

But before we went out trick or treating, we finally hit up a pumpkin patch at 3:30 this afternoon...I was lucky they still had a few pumpkins left and a cute picture-taking spot. We have been so busy lately that we hadn't made it out to one of the really fun, activity filled pumpkin patches and since we missed it last year too, I was bound and determined to get a few pictures of the boys, even if it meant getting them dressed up in their costumes and taking them by myself on Halloween (Victor was at work). And I must say, for being by myself with 2 active, never-stop-moving boys I was able to get some semi-decent pictures.

Tristan showing his best policeman pose next to the scarecrow

Okay, that's more of a Tristan pose!

Parker pointing...I think he thought this was a "joke" too!

I think the policeman is supposed to be chasing the convict, but hey, whatever works!

Telling Mommy to head towards the pumpkins

Still really fascinated with the "joke"

Best picture I could get of the the two of really is hard!

Sitting on the bench like a big boy

Oh gee, he's showing off those Kadish lips

The best one of Parker

Tristan and his "Mommy is making me sit here and smile" look

That's a good one

So after the pumpkin patch, we headed over to my hairdresser's salon sinc ethey were participating in the downtown trick or treat festivites for the kids. Susan, who has cut my hair forever, absolutely LOVES Halloween, so she and the two other haridresser's there went all out and were standing out front flaggin cars down to stop. Ther location is a little off of the downtown square so not truly within walking distance for most of the tick or treaters, but they were working pretty hard to get cars to stop, and they looked awesome. We, of course, stopped by!

The 3 Bling-A-Tiers working hard to pull traffic in!
The 3 Bling-A-Tiers

Tristan and Parker were less than interested in the Bling-a-tiers and preferred to find rocks to throw

My attempt to get Tristan to sit on the front steps and take a I could get

After visiting the Bling-A-Tiers, we ran by Daddy's work (no pictures of that) and then headed to some friend's house to go trick or treating and hit up their neighborhood Halloween party. Tristan and Parker had a great time trick or treating, although Tristan was quite lazy about the whole thing. He had no problem running up to houses, spitting out the words "trick or treat" and then "thank you" after receiving candy, but then he immediately ran back to the sidewalk to get in the stroller to be pushed to the next house. It was all quite ridiculous...he would have made it to the next house faster if he would have just run straight there!

Parker, on the other hand, wanted to run free. But, he kept running back to any "joke" decoration within eyesight! Once we got him distracted from the big "jokes" he trick or treated pretty well with big boys, but I don't think he totally got the concept down...he kept giving his candy back to the people at the doors. Who knows, maybe he did know what he was doing, he doesn't really like candy afterall. Although, he did discover tonight that he really likes popcorn balls and grape lollipops, he held on tight to those!

Tristan's friend, Knox, posing with his front yard decor

Heading out to the first house

Knox and Tristan loading up on candy

Parker following his big brother

Tristan and Knox patiently waiting

Yep, Parker was fascinated with this "joke" and kept trying to return to it!

Parker catching up to the big boys

Daddy and Parker

One of the last houses

The last one...that's all the candy for the cowboy and policeman!

After trick or treating and spending some time playing with the neighborhood kids, we tookt he kiddos over to Victor's mom's house to trick or treat, which is where Parker discovered his love of the grape loillipop, and Tristan got to eat 3 or 4 pieces of candy within 2 seconds!

Parker and his sucker!

Parker and Daddy

Well, that was our Halloween in a nutshell, hope everyone had as much fun as we did!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Bad Blogger

I know, I have been a bad blogger lately...just can't seem to get caught up, ever!!! We have had so much going on lately with selling the house, looking for a new house/plans, Tristan's birthday party, getting ready for Halloween and our trip to Disney, not to mention all the day to day things that go on around here...

Parker is growing like a weed and is truly a toddler now, no more little baby, although he still acts like it! He is so stuck like glue on me it is hard to get anything done because he won't go to anyone else other than Victor, who is at work most of the time. He has started to become more picky about his foods and is not so receptive to trying new things...oh joy, another picky kid. But, along with the little things that he does that driv eme absolutely insane, he has developed quite a few lovable new habits, like saying "hi" with a big grin when I walk into his room in the morning, making silly faces and laughing at himself, showing off his belly button, head, ears, and eyes when asked, giving hugs and kisses (he is not as an affectionate of a child as Tristan), and so much more!

Tristan has also been growing...such a big boy now, and definitely acting like it! His speech and vocabulary are tremendous and there's pretty much nothing he can't say, or won't! He's 100% potty trained, even at night (of course we have a couple of daytime accidents here and there). He loves school, and comes hom every week with a new song to sing, some of his favorites include "Wheels on the Bus", "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "If You're Happy and You Know It". All the he has his occasional meltdowns, is sometimes aggressive play, and other things that put more gray hair on my head, he really has been a good little guy lately...he understand so much mroe and the whole being able to communicate back and forth seems to have made life so much easier, for him and me!

I will be posting pictures from Tristan's birthday party we had yesterday sometime this week, but I'll leave you with these random pictures to tide you over till then!

Tristan showing off his excitement after hopping into his new bed!

Shpwing Daddy some love for putting together his "big boy" more toddler bed!

Fireman hat, underwear and a guitar = a future rock star!

Posing in his new shirt wear for western day at school

Playing at school

At Daddy's work

Parker, getting into mischief, as always...

Trying to get himself out

Tristan at the Comal County Fair

He loved this ride!

And this one

Hehehehe, too cute

Parker on the other hand, was not as amused by his stroller "ride"

Parker, always imitating Tristan

I catch him quite often doing this

Tristan giving Shamu a huge hug!

Family picture minus Daddy

Family picture minus of has to be the one taking the pictures!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hook 'Em Horns!!!

Another win for Texas against OU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Next year I'm watching the game in person!!!!!!