Monday, June 30, 2008

Times are getting tough

It costs me $85 to fill up my SUV, I spend at least $150 at the grocery store every time I go, and the car business (Victor's profession) just isn't so hot right now, so we have decided we need to bring in a little extra income. That means someone in this family is going to have to take up a part-time job.

It was a really hard decision but we figured it is what's best for our family right now. The other night we sat Tristan down to try to explain to him the upcoming changes in the household...he was less than thrilled to find out he would be going to work!!!

No Mommy, I don't want to go!

But it's summertime, I'm supposed to be outside playing

I can already feel this tie suffocating me!!

Ready for the Olympics

Tristan is going to be rooting for the Italians during this year's Olympics...his Grandma Mildred brought him a shirt back from her cruise to Italy. She did get Parker a shirt too but I haven't got a picture of him in it yet.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

What do a baby swing and blowdryer have in common?

If you've recently had a baby or spent any amount of time with a newborn you probably already know what a blowdryer and a baby swing have in common...they can both soothe a screaming baby to sleep most of the time!

We learned the blowdryer/vacumn cleaner trick from the photographer who took Tristan's newborn pictures. During the shoot he got really fussy and as I was attempting to calm him down, she suggested we turn on the vacumn. I kind of thought she was crazy, but figured it couldn't hurt to try being that I had only been a mother for 7 days at that point and this lady had two kids of her own and photographed a ton of newborns...well, needless to say, the vacumn did the trick, Tristan calmed down immediately and ultimately fell asleep. We used the vacumn countless times after that and I eventually transitioned to the blowdryer since it makes the same sound and was much more convenient.

Now, I can't give anyone credit for the baby swing, other than the companies who make them, because I don't know who came up with the idea, but whoever it was is a genius! But I would like to take credit for the combo blowdryer and swing technique. It works almost everytime and gives me results like these...

The combo technique even works to calm down a fussy baby when another individual (shall we call him Tristan) is constantly poking and prodding said baby...unfortunately, all that poking and prodding doesn't usually allow for the baby to relax enough to go to sleep, but at least he's calm!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Baby Playtime

Parker has begun to enjoy his activity gym...he has started to bat at and swat the hanging toys and likes to look at himself in the mirror. I can't really tell if he enjoys the music yet, but it is for sure ALWAYS on. Most mornings I lay him in the activity gym after Tristan and I eat breakfast and Tristan runs over to push the buttom to turn the music on and then leans into Parker to give him a kiss. It is so sweet, at least until he starts to inch his feet over to Parker's head and tries to kick him!

Staring off into space

Just chillin

Morning kiss from big brother Tristan

In addition to the activity gym, we usually have "baby playtime" in the mornings too. I try to lay Parker out on a blanket and give him the opportunity to "play"...I feel like I put him in his swing or bouncer seat more often that I put Tristan because I can't just leave Parker on the floor with Tristan running around, so I want to make sure he has time everyday to move around freely. It's during this time that he has been rolling over since we also do tummy time then. I usally end up just sitting there protecting him from Tristan or moving, but we have fun nonetheless.

Tristan pointing out Parker's head

And his nose

And of course his fingers

Aahhh, finally a picture without Tristan poking him

Snapped one more before Tristan got back

Friday, June 27, 2008

100 degrees and no AC!!!!

Last Tuesday we were having a totally normal day. Tristan went to gymnastics class in the morning, we stopped to pick up bar-b-q from Granzin's (our normal stop after gymnastics) and came home to eat and take a nap. After I put Tristan down for his nap, Parker and I went into my bedroom to relax. We watched a little TV and about an hour later it was time for Parker to eat. I started nursing him and about halfway through I started thinking it was a little warmer than normal in the house and began to get extremely sleepy...when I'm tired already (which I am a lot these days) and I'm in an area where the temperature is a little warmer, but not hot, I can fall asleep almost instantly. I figured it was just warm due to the 100 degree weather we have been having, but after a little while it was getting unpleasantly warm.

I got up to check the AC and the temperature said 82, and if you know us, our temperature is never higher than 76 degrees during the day. The panic/frustration started to set in...our Ac wasn't waorking, it's 100 degrees outside, and I have two little babies, not to mention I hate to be really hot.

I called Victor and he ended up coming home to check the was broken for sure and the AC repairman couldn't come out until the following day. By this time Tristan woke up from his nap, and as you can probably guess, he was super hot and sweaty (he gets hot if the temperature gets over 80 degrees). In the end I had to pack up bags for all of us and went o stay at Victor's mom's house for the night...a big thanks to Mildred for letting us stay at her house, even though she was getting back from a cruise that evening and I'm sure was completely exhausted and had a touch of jet lag.

Our AC got fixed the next afternoon and no problems since...needless to say, Tristan hasn't woke up with his hair completely soaking wet with sweat since!!!


One thing I have learned, so far, about having two kiddos under the age of 2 is that you have to get creative. The other day I needed to give Tristan a bath, but Parker was awake, and a little fussy. Previously, either Victor has given Tristan a bath while I tend to Parker or I give Tristan a bath while Parker is sleeping...and I guess I had just been pretty lucky up until recently that I could get Parker down for a nap and get Tristan bathed before he woke up.

So, last week my luck ran out. I decided I would just take Parker in the bathroom with me while Tristan had his bath, but I wasn't too sure where to put him. I decided I would wrap him up in his balnket, since this seems to calm him down a bit, and put him in his bathub. He did pretty well for the first ten minutes or so, then got fussy, so by the end of Tristan's bath I was holding him. My hands were really full as I was holding Parker, trying to prevent Tristan from dumping water out of the tub, rinsing Tristan off and eventually drying him off. I was worn out after his bath and still needed to give Parker a bath!!

My creativity at work

Yay, bath time

Hahaha, I'm getting my bath first

This sucks, when is it going to be my turn?

What's he talking about, this is least for me!

Finally, it's my turn

I could lay here all day

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

We got a pool!

Alright, so it's not quite this...

but I guess Tristan doesn't know the difference, yet!

Helping Daddy fill up his pool

Full stream

What's happening to the water?

Why did it stop?

The first attempt at the slide

Not so sure

Unhappy result

Very unhappy

Playtime is better than the slide

Where did that toy go?

Watering the grass

Hmmnnn, I don't think he's picking his nose!

Second slide attempt

That's actually a smile/laugh

Look at me Mom

Spray it here Daddy!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Father's Day...better late than never

Here are a few pictures from Father's Day...we kept it pretty low-key day and just went out to eat with my Mom and Dad.

Friday, June 20, 2008

One Parker sandwich coming up!

Parker's favorite way to sleep is on his side, wrapped up in one blanket and sandwiched between two rolled up blankets...and yes, I realize that he is wrapped/snuggled with three totally different patterned and colored blankets!