Thursday, November 29, 2007

Christmas Pictures

Yes, I know, I just had Tristan's one year pictures taken and I am already getting more pictures (Victor reminds me of this daily). The thing is that Tristan's birthday and significant milestones (like 3, 6 months, etc...) just happen to fall close to holidays, so it's not really my fault that he has to have so many pictures so close together!

With that said, we went to Picture People in the mall yesterday. I decided to go to one of the chain places because they have all the Christmas props and you view and receive the pictures the same day. I think this picture session was probably the most challenging yet...although Tristan was in a great mood and hammed it up for the photographers, it proved quite difficult to get him to stay in the picture area. I used to think it was hard to get pictures of him once he started crawling, but have now decided that was a piece of cake. I spent the whole time chasing after a walking/running baby who thought that we were playing chase every time he ran off and I followed him, scooped him up and put him back in front of the camera.

By the time we were finished, I was dying of thirst and ready to sit down. As I waited to view the pictures (the photographer had to download the pictures), many of the other photographers kept coming out to tell me how cute his pictures turned out. So, I sat anxiously, getting more excited each time I heard this from a photographer. After you have spent the last 30-45 minutes chasing a maniac one year old around wondering if it is going to be worth it, the promise of a good picture gets you really excited. Finally, the photographer came out and I got to view his pictures, which I absolutely loved. In the end it was all worth it.

Just to brag a little...I had to sign a model release so they could use his picture in the studio. Check the pics out below.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Baby Kadish Update

Just wanted to give a quick update on "Baby Kadish" since we had our 16 week appointment today...I'm actually almost 17 weeks, but who's counting, right? This was not a particularly eventful visit. It pretty much consisted of the doctor asking "any problems?" and me responding "not really" and then listening to the heartbeat. And we got all that for the mere price of our co-pay!

Truthfully, in the beginning most of our appointments are pretty boring, unless we are getting a sonogram. Well, even in the end they are boring unless the doctor tells us that I'm dilated and the baby is coming. I would have to say that is definitely not boring!

Sorry I don't have more exciting news to post, but I can guarantee that the next "Baby Kadish" update will be a memorable one since we should know whether Tristan is going to have a sister or brother...mark your calendars for December 20th, an early Christmas present!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Friday, November 16, 2007

Can't Wait to See Tristan's 1 Year Pics!

We took Tristan to the photographer on Tuesday for his one year pictures and I am dying to see how they turned out! The photographer sent me the picture below this morning and it is so adorable, now I am even more anxious to see them all!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Working on a Full Set of Chompers

During the last 4 weeks it seems like Tristan has popped out a new a new tooth every time I look in his little mouth. Up until about 11 months he had 6 teeth (4 on top and 2 on bottom) and it had been this way for about a month and a half, which I was perfectly happy about. Teething has got to be one of the worst experiences for a parent, and the baby too!

But of course, we didn't stay in this pleasant teething-free zone for long. In early October the drooling, waking up at night and not wanting to eat set in again. I thought maybe those two other bottom teeth were finally going to rear their pearly heads. Nope! It was worse than that, Tristan's 1 year molars started coming in. First he got his top right, about 2 weeks later his top left molar, then another week went by and both his bottom molars came through. By his birthday, he had all 4 molars, but was still missing the two bottom front side teeth, you know, the ones next to your bottom teeth.

Once again, we didn't have to wait long for those to show up. A few days after his birthday his right one came in and the left one broke skin a day or two ago. So now, he has 12 teeth...only 8 more to go to complete his first set of teeth!

Now, you are probably expecting some pictures of his pearly whites to follow, but that is just near impossible to catch with a camera, even a fast one like mine, so you will just have to suffer without pictures for this post!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

"Baby" Steps

This post is extremely overdue, but it seems like when I get a chance to post there is always something that takes precendence (you know, like Tristan's birthday, new sonogram pictures, etc.). Anyways, as you may have noticed from recent pictures, Tristan started walking!

It all started quite awhile back. He has been standing in place without holding onto anything since about mid-September, when he was about 10 1/2 months. When others saw him, they would tell me he'd "be walking any day now", so I kept waiting for him to pick up his feet and go. Apparently, Tristan was pretty content to just stand. He would stand and clap, stand and throw his arms up in the air, stand and wave, and an assortment of other standing "party tricks", but no walking. This went on for a couple of weeks.

Then in early October, he started to take a step or two, but still didn't seem to eager to master this walking thing, he'd rather crawl to his destination...much faster that way. By mid-October he was taking more steps and throughout the month progressed to multiple steps in a row. Each day that went by he would walk more and more and now, he goes everywhere!

He still enjoys crawling occasionally, but he uses his walking more to get him to his final destination and he is getting quite fast at it. He still loves being chased, but now he walks instead of crawls!

I posted some, well, a lot of pics below that begin from around mid-October and go through last week. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Tristan's Birthday Party

Okay, so I know you have probably been waiting for me to post Tristan's birthday party pics, but it took me forever to load them all (and this is only a select couple of them, like 50!). Needless to say, we had a great time and hope Tristan did too!

There's the birthday boy

Masyn's here for the party

Wyatt and Ashley

Kaeson and his Mommy, Melissa

Margie and Richie

Ashley and Tristan

Kaeson and Tristan

Melissa and Kinsley

Yana and Kaeson are really thristy

Noel and Salem

Kinsley is playing some basketball

Monkey decorations

The big monkey cake

Tristan's little monkey cake
Tristan and his monkey cakes

Tristan changed into his cake-eating shirt

"Let's eat cake"

The first taste
"Mommy, I think I like this cake"

"What, we have to stop?"

"That was good cake!"

"Yum, yum, that was good"
"What did Tristan do to that cake?"

Opening gifts with some help
More gifts

They just kept coming
"Look, a monkey card"
Tristan opening the paper
All the cool toys
More toys
Looking in the bag
Playing with toys
"What's this toy?"
Tristan liked the string more than his gifts
There's Yana in the middle of the toys

Tristan surrounded by his gifts
Salem and Yana playing in the toys
Tristan and Salem
Grandma Mildred showing Tristan his toys
Grandma Linda, Gramps and Tristan
A kiss for Grandma Linda
A kiss from Grandma Mildred
"Bye Grandpa"
Mom and Dad with Tristan


One last kiss for Dad