Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Not much going on here...

Well, we haven't done much of anything for the last few days since Tristan has been sick with a cold. Yep, that's right, Tristan got his first cold. At first I was kind of upset that he was sick (because I thought maybe if I had nursed him past 5 months, he wouldn't be sick), but then I realized that he made it almost 7 months, through cold and flu season, and just now got a cold...I think that's pretty darn good!

His cold has not been fun for either of us. His poor little nose was runny, his cough sounded like a walrus and his eyes were weepy. The doctor prescribed a decongestant/antihistamine and breathing treatments 3 times a day to help break up the congestion. Needless to say, the breathing treatments were not his, nor my, favorite times of the day! There was a lot of crying (or should I say screaming) going on during those 5 or 6 minute sessions, but at least there was no pain. Tristan just didn't like the air being blown in his face.

Tristan being sick probably wouldn't have been so bad, but it was compounded this week with his teething. His bottom left tooth is finally starting to cut through, I can definitely feel three sharp, pokey edges when I rub my finger on his gums. That tooth has waken both of us many times in the last few nights. Hopefully, it will rear its pretty, little head within the next week, so that he can get some good sleep!

Well, even though not much has been going on here, that doesn't stop me from picture taking. Here are a couple of pics from the last week or two that I hadn't posted yet.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Our trip to Sea World

Last Saturday Victor and I took Tristan on his first trip to Sea World...we had a blast! Since we didn't decide until late that morning that we wanted to go, we didn't end up getting there until around 2 p.m. Even though we arrived later in the afternoon, we had plenty of time to see all the important shows, like Shamu, the dolphins and the seals/sea lions. We stayed until around 7ish and Tristan was completely worn out by then, so I think the timing was perfect. And, we couldn't have asked for better weather, it wasn't hot, only around 80 degrees and a little cloudy, so no sunburns.

We saw three shows and walked around the park to check out the dolphin, penguin, seal/sea lion and alligator exhibits. Victor and I both just couldn't get over how excited Tristan got during the shows. He had his eyes glued to the animals and people performing and was jumping up and down throughout the entire shows. I think it might have brought a few tears to Victor's eyes to see him so excited!

It was such a wonderful day that I wanted to share it with everyone, so check out our pics below.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Check out these proofs!

Click on the link below, click "Kadish" and enter "Tristan" as the password to view Tristan's newest portrait session pictures. They are absolutely adorable.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Tristan's First Road Trip

Welcome to Iraan, Texas, home to approximatley 1000 people (according to Deborah) and I'm not sure what else!

Tristan and I recently took a trip out to West Texas to visit my college roommate, Courtney, her adorable 3 month old baby, Clinton and Courtney's parents, Clint and Deborah. Courtney and Clinton live in Tennessee, but flew down to visit her parents for the week, so we decided to make the journey out west for a visit. After a 4 hour drive of looking at nothing, we arrived and spent the next two days just hanging out and catching up. Well, I guess a little more than "hanging out" was going on, there were quite a few feedings, diaper changes, playtimes, naptimes, etc. going on with two babies.

Deborah bought the boys matching outfits to wear during our visit, so we of course got them dressed and took pictures. What trip would be complete without me dragging out the camera and taking a hundred pictures????

I am so happy we made the trip out to Iraan...we had such a wonderful time there just relaxing and getting to see everyone. It was very exciting to get the boys together for the first time, hopefully, there will be many more get-togethers for these two as they grow up and become good friends!

Check out the pics below from our trip.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

What a wonderful Mother's Day

My first Mother's Day was fabulous...I couldn't have had a better day! Tristan was so thoughtful (with a little encouraging from Daddy). He started out by making me a breakfast of pancakes and juice and then gave me a very sentimental card and two wonderful gifts. He picked out some very comfy pajamas and a gorgeous ring and necklace, and I must admit, he has fantastic taste!

Even though I got some great gifts for Mother's Day, the best part of my day was just spending the day with Tristan and Victor. It is hard to put into words just how much I love our new family and I couldn't be happier.

Tristan playing with the bow from Mommy's gift

Mommy and Tristan

The fantastic jewelry Tristan picked out

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Just a few pics

Tristan went to his "professional" picture session yesterday and he did pretty well. The photographer posted a few of his pics on her blog, so I copied them and posted them below. I will post the rest of the proofs (or a link) when I have them.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

What a Resemblance!

I just thought I would share the following pictures and thoughts with you all. I was looking at Tristan's newest set of pictures and kept thinking something about the picture with the monkeys looked familiar. Finally, it hit me. We have a picture of Victor as a baby sitting on the beach and the pictures are the spitting image of each other! I am not sure how old Victor is in this picture, but I am guessing around 9 months. I scanned the picture and put the two side by side below. What a remarkable resemblance.

Friday, May 11, 2007

6 Month Checkup

Yesterday we went to Tristan's 6 month checkup at the pediatrician's, and that means SHOTS! Victor and I had prepared for the worst because Tristan was completely inconsolable after his shots last time, but our little boy was so good this time around. Of course he cried when the needles poked him, but as soon as Daddy picked him up, he was fine. The doctor was very impressed with his abilities so far: sitting up on his own, babbling multi-syllable words, grasping objects, strength when standing and so on. She also made a comment about how he hadn't been sick at all (I hope I just didn't jinx us!).

Since this was a WCC (well child care checkup), we officially weighed and measured him. Are you guys ready for this? He is 17 pounds, 15 ounces and 27 inches long! That puts him in the 65th percentile for weight and the 85th percentile for height. He is really beginning to fill out...I think he went through a major growth spurt over the last month. I weighed him at home at around 5 months and he was 14 pounds, 8 ounces, so in one month he gained 3 1/2 pounds. That's a whole lot of weight, even for an adult! More than likely, the growth had a lot to do with the increased solid food intake, the switch to formula, and a major reduction in the amount of spitting up.

As far as the reflux issue goes, we are doing a whole lot better. In the last few weeks, it has been like night and day from a month or two ago. There are days when it seems like Tristan doesn't even have reflux, because he hardly spits up at is wonderful!!! The pediatric GI had told us that reflux peaks between 4 and 6 months and usually starts to get better after that, so I think we are in the "getting better" stage. The solid foods have seemed to help too. Hopefully in a month or two, it will be completely gone.

Well, that's about it for now, just wanted to give an update on his checkup. I posted a few pictures below from the other day...just having fun in the bathtub.

I'm going to get this duck in my mouth

Too big, I'll try the little duck instead

I give up on the ducks, fingers are better anyway

Oh forget it, here's the smile you are trying to get

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Tristan's 6 Month "Fun" Pictures

Yeah, new pictures! I took Tristan to Kiddie Kandids for some fun pictures today. I think they came out fantastic, although, Tristan thinks smiling is synonymous with opening your mouth, as evidenced below!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Tristan is half a year old!

My how time flies when you are having fun...all the sudden Tristan is 6 months old and has changed and grown by leaps and bounds. Victor and I are just having so much fun watching him grow and are amazed everyday at what he can do.

As you may have read in my previous post, he is already sitting up and recently, he began grabbing for his feet (and socks) when he is laying on his back. Naturally, he is trying to put his feet in his mouth, but I haven't caught it on camera yet, but don't worry, I will soon enough! And my favorite new thing...he has begun to reach out his arms to me and Victor when we pick him up. We just love that!!!!

And of course, since 6 months is another milestone, that means Tristan will be at the photographers very soon! He has an appointment on Monday for his "professional" pictures and we are going to Kiddie Kandids (at Babies R' Us) this week for "fun" pictures. I will post the proofs as soon as I have them, but for now check out the pics I took over the last two weeks.