Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Tristan's Visit to the Easter Bunny

Tristan visited the Easter Bunny at the mall yesterday and had his picture taken. He did so well...he even told the Easter Bunny that he wanted A LOT of easter eggs hidden so that he and his Mommy and Daddy could go egg hunting! What am I going to do with him?!?!?!?

Monday, March 26, 2007

Fun times with Daddy!

Victor and Tristan were very busy this week...check out all the fun things they did.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

It's Bluebonnet time in Texas!

Spring is on the way and the bluebonnets are beginning to show their colors. Tristan and I went to check them out yesterday...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Tristan's Bunny Pictures

Tristan's bunny pictures came out so adorable! Tristan loved the bunny he had his picture taken with and the bunny was so well behaved, he didn't mind that Tristan was trying to eat his ear! I posted the link and instructions below to view the proofs. I think they will be up until the end of March, so check them out.

To view:

1. click this link

2. click on "Kadish"

3. enter "tristan" as the password

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Tristan loves prunes!

Tristan is beginning his third week of solid foods this week. So far, we have covered plain rice cereal, rice cereal with bananas, bananas and prunes. His favorite food is definitely prunes! This child gobbles them down and can't wait for you to give him the next spoonful. He hasn't really been a big fan of the rice cereal and I have had to coax him to eat it by mixing the bananas or prunes in with cereal after a few days of the fruit alone (to ensure no allergies). If the cereal is mixed, he eats it most of the time. We are still working on the best time of day to eat the solids, because he doesn't seem too hungry for them in the morning after he nurses. Early afternoon and late evening seem to work the best. Hopefully we will get a better routine going soon! I think I am going to try green beans and then peas next, so we will see if he enjoys those foods as much as his prunes.

We had a really busy week and were on the go most of the time, so I don't have too many candid pictures, but I posted what I had below.

Kiddie Kandids!

More pictures of Tristan...I know, I know! Tristan and I just happened to go to Babies R' Us on Friday with my friend Melissa and her son, Kaeson, and we wound up getting pictures taken of the boys--totally unplanned! We had their Easter pictures taken with live baby bunnies earlier that morning with a photographer (which I will post when I have the proofs), but couldn't resist taking more, since they were a great price!

So, you may be wondering about his outfits since this was unplanned, right? Bought them at Babies R' Us before the picture session. The pictures came out adorable and are posted below, so check them out. Can't wait to see the Easter pictures.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Tristan's 4 Month Checkup

Today Tristan went to the pediatrician for his 4 month check up. He weighed in at 13 pounds, 8 ounces and was in the 50th percentile for weight, up from the 25th percentile at 2 months. He measured almost 25 inches and is still in the 75th percentile for length. The doctor said he was doing great and was even surprised that he is already getting into the "frog position" trying to push up with his legs when on his stomach. Watch out, he might start crawling soon!

The pediatrician also discussed with Victor and myself all the new foods Tristan gets to start enjoying. Everything from cereal to veggies and fruit. Boy, is he going to be in for a ride on the food roller coaster! I plan on going to the store tomorrow and buying all his new foods, so I will keep everyone posted on how he takes to eating food with a spoon!

And of course, the main event of his check up, the SHOTS! At his 2 month check up Tristan wasn't too bothered by the shots, but things were definitely different this round. After the first poke, there were four altogether, he screamed bloody murder for about 20 or so minutes and was inconsolable. Victor and I both felt horrible!

Overall, his appointment went really well and Tristan is progressing right on track.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Tristan is 4 months old!

Tristan turned 4 months old on Saturday and he is defintely starting to show off his personality. Lately, he has been smiling, laughing, playing with toys and of course crying and screaming! Over the past month or so, he found his vocal cords and is really using them...maybe he gets that from his Mommy! He has now decided there is no need to cry or whimper, he just screams when he wants attention or is hungry.

He is definitely going through a change, maybe a growth spurt, because his sleeping schedule is completely different and he has been a bit cranky. He used to sleep between 6-8 hour stretches at night and then wake up to eat and go back to sleep. Now, he only sleeps between 4-6 hours and wakes up to eat and then goes back to sleep. I think we are going backwards with the whole sleep schedule thing!

For those of you aware of his reflux problem, we are trying a couple of new things to calm down the reflux. He recently started eating rice ceral to help "thicken his feeds" to keep his food down, takes a reflux medication twice a day and we are keeping him upright after he eats. The cereal and keeping him upright has seemed to help. Also, I have cut dairy out of my diet as he may have an intolerance to the dairy proteins. Unfortunately, I love dairy products, so this has been extremely hard for me, but if it means I won't get spit up on 24/7, then it's worth it! Hopefully, Tristan will outgrow the reflux soon as he starts on more and more solids.

Since the weather has warmed up, Victor and I have been taking Tristan out and about more often. Recently, we visited the Rainforest Cafe on the Riverwalk and the San Antonio Zoo with some friends. Tristan stayed awake the whole time at the zoo and scoped everything out from his papoose. He would stay in his papoose all day as long as he can see what is going on...he is a very nosy baby!

On Monday, the 5th, we are taking him in for his check up and his second round of shots, so I will post again to let everyone know his height, weight and growth chart percentages. Until then, check out some of the pictures I took over the last week.

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Friday, March 2, 2007

Tristan's 3 Month Picture Proofs

Well, as I posted previously, Tristan did not want to have his picture taken on the day of his 3 month appointment, but we ended up with some decent pictures and didn't have to re-shoot the entire session. I posted the link and instructions below to view the proofs. I think they are avialable to view until 04/28/07. There aren't too many pictures, but he has his Easter portrait coming up soon too!

To view:
1. click this link
2. click on "Kadish"
3. enter "" as the email address
4. enter "tristan" as the password